Thursday, 19 June 2008 03:45

Controversy Over Sutter Creek Meeting Schedule

slide22.pngIn other Sutter Creek news, there was some controversy this week about the schedule for the proposed Gold Rush Ranch Golf Course and Development project. The City Council received three letters from Planning Commission members last week, contesting the recently issued schedule, which involves 2-3 meetings a month through December. Planning Commission Chair Robin Peters addressed the council on Monday, and put forth his concern that after years of seeming inactivity on the Gold Rush project, he felt it disingenuous to ask the planning commission and the public to effectively drop everything and focus exclusively on Gold Rush through the end of the year. He requested a revision of the schedule, limiting meetings on the topic to once a month, which would push back the process approximately one month, to the end of January. Mayor Gary Wooten responded that the meeting schedule was only meant to be a guideline, and instead suggested a revised schedule proposed by Assistant City Manager Sean Rabé, which eliminates some of the meetings and combines several others. Members of the public also spoke on the topic, expressing concern that the public was not properly notified of the upcoming meetings. In the end, the council decided to allow city staff time to digest the comments made at the meeting, and then to modify the schedule in accordance with staff recommendations. As of now, there is scheduled to be a site tour of the proposed Gold Rush Ranch Project on Thursday, June 18th at 9 am. The public is welcome to attend, and attendees should meet at the end of Valley View Drive at 9. In addition, Thursday night there will be a meeting from 7-9 pm at the Sutter Creek Community Building on the General Plan Performance Standards for the project.