Thursday, 19 June 2008 03:55

Economic Stimulus Package Hits Limit

slide15.pngAt Tuesday’s Board of Supervisors meeting, County Counsel Martha Shaver brought to the Board’s attention that the Amador Economic Stimulus Package has already reached the 30 permit limit set out in the package. Approved by the Board just three weeks ago, contractor Paul Bramell’s plan is designed to temporarily cut impact and development fees and to stimulate growth in the sinking housing market. The package allows a reduction in impact fees for local and regional traffic mitigation, recreation and capital facilities between July 1st, 2008 and December 31st, 2009. The popularity of the package came as no surprise to the Board of Supervisors. During deliberation over the approval of the package, the Supervisor’s chambers were packed wall-to-wall with contractors and realtors eager for a way to ease the burden of stringent building fees. However, now that the plan’s permit limit has been reached, the Board has to consider other options. “I think it’s time we put it back on the agenda and brought this discussion back on the table,” said Supervisor Richard Forster. Updates to the Economic Stimulus Plan will likely be discussed at next Tuesday’s meeting.