Thursday, 26 June 2008 03:50

Jackson Considers Forming Redevelopment Agency

slide1.pngThe City of Jackson is looking at forming a permanent Redevelopment Agency. Councilmember Wayne Garibaldi, City Manager Mike Daly, and Shannon Lowery of the Economic Development Committee’s Finance Subcommittee traveled to Sonora recently to learn about that town’s Redevelopment Agency. Formed in the early 1990’s, the City of Sonora’s Redevelopment Agency has formed a Redevelopment Plan, and now generates over 400,000 dollars per year to fund projects identified in their plan. The objective of their Redevelopment Plan is “to eliminate conditions of blight by providing needed public improvements; by encouraging rehabilitation and repair of deteriorated structures; by facilitating land assembly and development which will result in housing opportunities, employment opportunities and an expanded tax base; and by promoting development in accordance with (the general plan).” Jackson hopes to accomplish something similar, a task that that Mayor Rosalie Pryor Escamilla reports may take as much as “200,000 dollars to get rolling,” but says that Sonora’s plan “has really paid off for them.” The matter will likely be on the agenda at the city council’s next meeting.