Thursday, 17 July 2008 02:04

Former AC Supervisor Focus Of Heated Battle in Calaveras County

slide5.pngCommunity Development Director Stephanie Moreno is the focus of a heated battle amongst Calaveras County Supervisors and the backers of a grand jury report that claims she is unqualified to do her job. The controversy has become the centerpiece of recent Supervisors meetings and has raised questions about both the Board’s hiring procedures and Moreno’s credibility. Moreno, who was formerly employed as an Amador County Supervisor under her previous name of D’Agostini, was criticized in the report for “confrontational behavior”, “lacking the technical skills and sufficient related experience to successfully perform her job”, and mismanaging county funds, among a number of other accusations. In total, the jury made 17 findings that target either Moreno or the Board of Supervisors. slide6.pngAmong the accusations made against the Supervisors is a failure to conduct a background check, and a failure to “clearly define the reporting relationship of the position.” The grand jury that created the report is comprised of citizens appointed by Superior Court Judge John Martin to oversee government operations. The report divided the Board over how to approach the situation at last Tuesday’s Board meeting. When Supervisor Tom Tryon asked for a closed session reevaluation of Moreno’s performance, Supervisors Wilensky, Claudino and Thomas immediately voiced their opposition, citing that all evaluations should be initiated by the county administrative officer. This sparked Tryon to accuse the other three Supervisors of conspiring to protect Moreno and holding a calculated opposition against the grand jury. “They weren't interested in fact finding, they were interested in undoing the grand jury report,” Tryon said. Claudino countered that the grand jury “report is more subjective than objective.” Wilensky fired back with references to Tryon’s continued opposition to hiring Moreno. What seemed to anger Tryon the most was that Wilensky and Claudino had gone to the CAO after the grand jury report was released to find counterpoints. Wilensky vehemently denies the accusations against him and claims to have an explanation for all the jury’s findings. The board has agreed to hold an open session on July 22 to discuss the grand jury’s findings. (The Calaveras Enterprise Contributed to this Story) slide8.png