Thursday, 24 July 2008 02:21

Sutter Amador Stops Labor Union Talks

slide1.pngThe ongoing talks between a labor union and Sutter Amador Hospital over labor contracts have – at least for now – come to a close. In statements issued last week, the hospital declared that it will no longer negotiate with SEIU United Healthcare Workers, or UHW, until the union body holds a formal election. UHW is a major union representing thousands of healthcare employees, and absorbed Sutter Amador’s Local 4988 back in 2005. According to the statement, the hospital’s decision came after UHW refused to hold elections that would have allowed hospital staff to choose their own representation. Negotiations between the two entities have been ongoing since the contract for hospital workers expired back in February. “There hasn’t been any resolution,” said Jody Boetzer, the hospital’s Public Relations Coordinator. Representatives from both sides are hesitant to provide details, but one hospital employee said that significant progress has been made on wage increases, hours and benefits. The biggest issue, employee security, has yet to be resolved. Despite the lack of a contract, the hospital will go ahead with plans for new employee healthcare package wage increases beginning in August and February. Any word on the future of negotiations has yet to be determined.