Thursday, 31 July 2008 01:17

Oak Manor Addition Gets The Go-Ahead

slide14.pngAfter almost a year of public hearings and debates, the Oak Manor Addition Conditional Use Permit was granted by the Jackson City Council Monday evening. Councilman Wayne Garibaldi recused himself from the discussion, leaving the three remaining council members to deliberate and determine action on the item. The permit was originally reviewed and approved by the Planning Commission at their August 20th meeting in 2007, with two subsequent appeals filed by Mr. Gerald Browder Jr., a resident of Placer Drive, and Mr. Lance Salisbury, President of the Oak Tree Townhouses Owner’s Association. On September 24th of 2007, the City Council heard the appeals request and granted a continuance in hopes that an agreement could be made between Ron Regan, from Oak Manor, and Salisbury of Oak Tree Townhomes. A maintenance agreement was reached and executed and is currently in place. On June 9th, the Council heard the issue once again but deferred action to allow time for the applicant, Regan, to meet with the other appellant, Browder. Browder and Regan were available at the meeting to answer questions from the council and the audience. The Conditional Use Permit was granted unanimously, with a stipulation added that allows for an annual review by the Planning Commission during the first 2 years after occupancy.