Thursday, 07 August 2008 02:31

Ione Considers ACRA $5 Per Capita Investment

slide1.pngThe Ione City Council meeting Tuesday evening began with a presentation by Tracy Towner-Yep, Executive Director of the Amador County Recreation Agency, or ACRA, on the history of the organization in relation to the city. According to Towner-Yep, ACRA is a joint powers authority created to determine present and future recreation needs, and made up of all the municipalities and the school district. The organization has been growing rapidly since 2004. In that time, ACRA has acquired two parks with approximately 100 acres of land between them, created and executed more than 100 programs and classes, and generated nearly 55 full and part time jobs. However, physical growth necessitates fiscal growth. Membership contributions make up 43 percent of the agencies budget. Towner-Yep proposed a membership contribution of 5 dollars per capita for the city of Ione, equaling a total of approximately 17,600 dollars. The membership contribution is consistent with Towner-Yep’s requests to other local cities. Towner-Yep asked the council to look at the 5 dollar per capita membership contribution as “an investment, versus an expenditure.” The Council is currently considering her proposition.