Monday, 17 November 2008 23:11

Amador Regional Planning Committee Loses A Member

slide5.pngAmador County - The Amador Regional Planning Committee will find one potential new member, but also learned earlier this month than its at-large member was stepping down. The committee decided to advertise for a new public member after receiving a letter of resignation from Elida Malick of Fiddletown on November 3rd. Committee Chairman Tim Murphy of Sutter Creek City Council said he would handle the advertisement for the public member, noting that it should again emphasize seeking a citizen from the unincorporated areas of Amador County. Malick lives in Fiddletown and runs a veterinary office in Plymouth. She said her family situation has changed and she no longer has the time to devote to the committee. The Plymouth City Council on Thursday directed staff to draft a resolution to possibly appoint one of its members to the Amador County Regional Planning Committee, after Councilwoman Patricia Fordyce sent a letter to the council. Fordyce said she attended the planning committee meeting this month and liked what she saw. She told her council in the letter that she was the one on the council opposed to Plymouth joining the committee. Fordyce said in the letter that she had “come to a completely different conclusion” and “believed that (the city) should join this group at this time,” in part noting the committee’s focus on generating economic development and also its studies of revenue sharing. In the letter, Fordyce said joining the committee would help the Plymouth area assure that it is involved and represented. The committee’s members including Jackson Councilwoman Connie Gonsalves, Supervisor Louis Boitano and Ione Mayor Andrea Bonham. The committee next meets in January. Story by Jim Reece (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).