Wednesday, 19 November 2008 00:17

Jackson Plans For Future Expansion

slide3.pngAmador County - The City of Jackson is considering amending its sphere of influence, or SOI, to include certain areas surrounding the Jackson city limits that will or may soon be developed. City staff presented the proposed changes at the Jackson Planning Commission meeting Monday night. Several factors contributed to the decision to expand, including the recent adoption of a Municipal Services Review, or MSR, by the Amador County Local Area Formation Commission, or LAFCO. Also, the upcoming Wicklow Way Subdivision, and the county’s in-progress update of its General Plan have created a need to look at projected growth outside the city. The primary factor in determining a jurisdiction’s SOI is where municipal services are and will be provided. City staff have proposed a new SOI map that takes into account future water and sewer needs, as well as emergency response areas. The map, which has not been updated since 1996, proposes “a considerable larger area than (the current map)”, according to City Planner Susan Peters. The new map expands the SOI into the Martell and Wicklow area, the northeast area beyond the Jackson city limits, and areas south of Clinton Road and east of Scottsville Road. Commissioner Kathryn Devlin asked if the expanded sphere of influence would have any tax influence. City Manager Mike Daly responded that the SOI doesn’t change any of that, but if and when those areas are annexed into the city, the city and county would “come up with a tax sharing agreement” to address any tax issues. Commissioner Dave Butow commented on the expanded area south of Clinton Road that contains much of Butte Mountain. “I’m glad to see Butte Mountain included in there… there’s a lot of flat land out there that I could see developers looking at.” The Planning Commission unanimously agreed to recommend the proposed SOI to the City Council. If approved by the council, it will be forwarded to LAFCO for a public hearing. Story by Jen Wilson (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).