Wednesday, 19 November 2008 00:22

Revitalization Committee Discusses Blight

slide2.pngAmador County - Concerns about classifying parts of Jackson as blighted were among the topics discussed at last week’s Jackson Revitalization Committee. At the committee’s second meeting, Sherry Curtis, who has been involved in redevelopment efforts in the past, informed the committee that once certain areas are identified as “blighted,” and redevelopment funds are appropriated, it gives the state too much control. Also, the funds used for revitalization in the selected areas come from property tax dollars, which ultimately reduces the city’s General Fund. Another issue raised was the blocking of North Main Street at the Home and Farm Store during downtown functions. Alicia Miller from Teresa’s Place brought up the issue, which she initially voiced at the October 27th Jackson City Council Meeting. Committee members heard her complaint, but due to the inclusion of the Home and Farm Store in the city’s Business Improvement District, or BID, the street must be blocked off up to and including that establishment. The committee members also formed a variety of subcommittees to work on specific tasks. All together, six subcommittees were formed, including Finance, Public Relations, Business Development, Strategic Planning, Parking, and Design. The committee, which was formed in September, includes city councilmembers Connie Gonsalves and Wayne Garibaldi, Jackson city merchants Jane Wilkerson and Craig Murphy, local property owners, Lana Vukovich and Stan Lukowicz, HJBA member Aaron May, Jackson resident Rich Hoffman, members at large Shelley Scott, Gary Little, and Sally Bligh, city clerk Karon Knuist, and as a county liaison, District 1 Supervisor Elect John Plasse. Meetings are held at 6 pm on the second Thursday of the month at City Hall, 33 Broadway in Jackson. Their next meeting will be December 11th, and anyone can attend. Information about the committee’s strategic plan can be obtained on the city’s website at Story by Jen Wilson (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).