Thursday, 20 November 2008 02:03

AWA May Form Community Facilities District

slide3_640x480.jpgAmador County -- The Amador Water Agency in early September said it was studying the possible formation of a Community Facilities District to serve the proposed Sutter Hill East Project. On Monday, a letter giving details of that study was read to the Sutter Creek City Council, before the council approved an annexation application for the project. AWA Supervising Engineer of New Business John Griffin discussed the AWA’s capacities and intentions in the area and answered questions from the City Council. City Planner Bruce Baracco said a comment letter from Griffin sent by e-mail September 12 made comments on the Sutter Hill East project. In the letter, Griffin said the annex must not be given wastewater treatment services until the agency gets service from Sutter Creek for customers in the Martell area. This is part of an agreement between the city and the AWA. He said lack of water treatment capacity and storage at the Tanner plant made it insufficient to serve the proposed annex. Instead, the AWA “is investigating creation of a Community Facilities District to pay for construction of the new Tanner Water Treatment Plant.” The expansion would add 2 million gallons a day capacity to Tanner’s current 6 million gallons a day. He said the AWA would offer membership to its facilities district to Sutter Hill East property owners. Councilman Pat Crosby asked AWA Supervising Engineer of New Business John Griffin if the AWA had a “legally binding contract with PG&E to serve Sutter Creek with water.” Griffin said he did not know but would find out and report back to the council. Griffin said the AWA does have the water capacity to serve Plymouth via pipeline with a maximum flow of 1.4 million gallons a day. Planning Commission Chairman Robin Peters he and the planning commission thought AWA’s Facilities District “seemed like a logical way to collect fees and make improvements where they are needed most.” He said some properties are not likely to be developed any time soon, while other properties in the proposed Sutter Hill East Annex are already being developed. Story by Jim Reece (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).