Wednesday, 26 November 2008 02:42

LAFCO Expecting Sphere of Influence Updates

slide3.jpgAmador County – The Amador County Local Agency Formation Commission yesterday announced a couple of items that it will be hearing at its December 18th meeting. Besides that, LAFCO also expects possible “sphere of influence” adjustments from Ione, Plymouth and Sutter Creek. Two smaller jurisdictions are on the December 18th agenda. Executive Officer Roseanne Chamberlain said LAFCO’s board of directors will consider adopting “resolutions making determinations and setting a LAFCO initiated sphere of influence” for two local government agencies. She said County Service Area 8 would have a sphere “coterminous with its district boundaries.” CSA Number 8 is a well in the Carbondale area. Chamberlain said Amador County set up the district as a kind of financing vehicle so that U.S. Tile can purchase water for use at its roofing tile plant. LAFCO will also consider the sphere of influence of Sunset Heights Community Services District. She said that sphere is also coterminous with the boundary area, plus two parcels already assessed and receiving service. She said those two parcels already pay membership to Sunset Heights.

The meeting will also include updating information on new laws governing Community Service Districts. Chamberlain said CSAs must now be identified, so the public can know what they do and who they serve. Resolutions by LAFCO will identify service areas and tell what powers they have. Chamberlain said Tuesday she expected Sutter Creek’s application for the annexation of Sutter Hill East any time now. She has already had a pre-application meeting with Sutter Creek’s administration. She also expects a new Sphere of Influence adjustment from Plymouth, maybe early next year, as the city is updating its General Plan. Ione also is updating its General Plan and she said likely would also adjust its sphere of influence, as both are planning tools and are normally looked at simultaneously. LAFCO next meets December 18th in the County Administration Building in Jackson. Story by Jim Reece (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).