Tuesday, 09 December 2008 01:18

Ione To Take General Plan Input Tonight

slide4.jpgAmador County – The Ione Planning Commission hosts a public hearing tonight to take input on the land use elements of the draft Ione General Plan. The Public Hearing opens at 6 p.m. and commissioners will take input on a general plan update being spearheaded by City Planner Christopher Jordan and consultant, Daniel Hamilton. Jordan will present the commission with a report on a series of General Plan Workshops. The meetings surveyed 230 people and helped identify a preferred land use alternative. The planning commission will be reviewing 4 alternative draft land use plans and identifying a preferred plan for recommendation to the city council. Once identified, staff will begin developing an Environmental Impact Report to analyze potential impacts of the preferred Land Use Plan. Jordan’s report identifies the 16 current land use designations along with the draft plan’s suggested designations, and descriptions of each. Jordan and Hamilton in the report suggest they “take public comment, discuss the draft preferred alternative, discuss the issues outlined by staff, and direct changes to the draft preferred alternative and recommend it to the City Council.” The report also recommends Alternative 4 as the base for the Preferred Alternative and recommends identifying Dokken Engineering’s alternative as the preferred alternative for a “western Ione backbone roadway system.” The report also adds staff or resident suggestions to augment the alternatives. Top priorities identified in the surveys were Managing growth; preserving open space and agricultural land; maintaining the small town character; enhancing recreation facilities; revitalizing downtown; and creating more activities for families and children. The Public hearing is 6 p.m. today at Ione City Hall. The City also hosts a public workshop on the aesthetics of its “Downtown Park & Ride Lot,” from 4 to 6 p.m. today, also at city hall. Story by Jim Reece (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).