Wednesday, 04 February 2009 00:14

Jackson Looks At Future Housing Growth

slide2.jpgAmador County - The City of Jackson has determined it will allow subdivision applications for up to a total of 150 Housing Equivalent Units. Council members unanimously approved the agenda item during last week’s meeting after a presentation by City Manager Mike Daly. Councilman Keith Sweet was absent. Daly defined Housing Equivalent Units as “what is expected to be the resource needs for a single family residential dwelling.” Approval of such action is required ever since 2005, when Jackson approved to adopt a Resource Allocation Program requiring prospective developers of subdivisions to submit a pre-application request for the number of parcels they desire to apply for with a subdivision application. Any applicant proposing a subdivision of five or more lots in 2009 is required to submit a Notice of Intent to Develop consistent with the Resource Allocation Program. Daly said that although council is allowing applications, that “doesn’t provide a project with anything other than the right to apply.” Proposed subdivisions still have to go through a number of other steps, including an Environmental Review process. Daly said that such restrictions are all part of a plan “so we don’t overbook ourselves for capacity.” Sewer capacity has been used as a barometer for how the city has determined capacity in the past. Currently, there are a couple areas with a significant number of vacant lots, including the Jackson View area off of Scottsdale Road, which has around 100 lots available. Council’s discussion was limited to the application process and no opinions were expressed as to growth in Jackson. But, Daly added: “Whether anyone will want to submit an application this year is unknown.” Story by Alex Lane (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).