Tuesday, 17 February 2009 00:29

Plymouth & ACRA Team Up

slide4.jpgAmador County – With winter storming last week, the Plymouth City Council and the Amador County Recreation Agency put a double-team defense on the city’s need for indoor recreation. Specifically: basketball. The city council approved a $14,000 repair to the roof of a building at the Amador County Fair grounds, which would house a new, portable basketball floor that ACRA has been authorized to purchase. ACRA Executive Director Tracy Towner-Yepp told the council she has been authorized by her board to spend $8,000 on the professional quality basketball floor that is owned by Avery Middle School. Avery school is now paying to store the floor, and its children play basketball in a new gymnasium. Councilwoman Patricia Fordyce said “if it all jells – if the council is willing to fix up the roof of the building,” and ACRA buys the floor, there was also the possibility of reimbursement to the city from the Amador County Fair Board, through a grant. City Manager Dixon Flynn recommended the council approve spending $14,000 to fix the building, “with the idea that we will work with the fair grounds to be reimbursed if they get the grant.” Mayor Jon Colburn asked about the bids for the work and also about the manpower it would take to staff the building. Towner-Yepp said she had only one bid for the project, but other companies told her their bids would be higher than the one she had. She said she will be looking for volunteers and had a couple of people in mind already. The basketball court would be open 10 months a year, closed in July and August, and she said the fair board already had promised a free storage area for the basketball court. Towner-Yepp said she is “pretty much stuck with” the PG&E bill. Vice Mayor Greg Baldwin asked about the Plymouth Grade School gymnasium. Towner-Yepp said the basketball standards had been removed and basketball is no longer played there. Councilwoman Patricia Shackleton said the basketball hoops were removed to use the space for other purposes. The council approved the roof fix, to be paid over 3 years, on the condition that Towner-Yepp “can make all the arrangements.” Towner-Yepp thanked the council and said: (quote): “I look forward to coming out and shooting some hoops.” Story by Jim Reece (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).