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Wednesday, 21 January 2009 17:00

Coin Flip Aids In Selecting ACTC Members

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slide4.jpgAmador County – A coin flip made the final decision for the remaining Amador County Transportation Commission seat as the City Select Committee met Wednesday and chose two new ACTC members, but deferred selections to the Local Agency Formation Commission for a clarification on term limits. After three members decided one of two open seats should belong to Sutter Creek, Ione Mayor Lee Ard flipped the coin, Jackson Mayor Connie Gonsalves called “tails” and it landed on “heads,” giving Ione one of three city council seats on ACTC. Sutter Creek Mayor Gary Wooten suggested his co-Councilman Pat Crosby as a regular ACTC member, as Jackson former Councilman Al Nunes and Ione former Councilman Jerry Sherman both did not win re-election, but both served terms that expired in February. Amador City Mayor Aaron Brusatori and Plymouth Mayor Jon Colburn both agreed that Sutter Creek needed representation on ACTC. Gonsalves said either Jackson or Ione had to step down, or they could flip a coin, leading to the flip. Ard said new Ione Councilman David Plank was the city’s selection for the ACTC regular seat, and the Select Committee made the appointment, making it a 3-year term to stagger membership and possibly avoid future multiple vacancies. Plank joins regular member, Plymouth Councilman Greg Baldwin and Crosby. Alternates selected were Ione Councilman Jim Ulm, Jackson Councilman Keith Sweet and Amador City Councilman Mike Vasquez. The committee deferred appointment to the Amador County LAFCO until its Executive Director Roseanne Chamberlain can clarify term limits. Ard had sought that a new member be assigned to Sherman’s position after he lost in November, but his term expired in February. Ard sought to place Plank into the seat. Gonsalves said Jackson City Council had already chosen Pat Crew to take a seat on LAFCO, because of his experience with GPAC. Selections on LAFCO will be made at the next meeting, on a date to be determined. Story by Jim Reece (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).
Read 756 times Last modified on Friday, 14 August 2009 03:51