Monday, 21 September 2009 00:30

Recreational Railroad Coalition Licensed to Operate Old Coal Mine Spur

slide5.pngIone - Recreational Railroad Coalition, Inc., has recently been licensed to operationally manage the old Coal Mine Spur which runs west of the Ione Rail Yard about 2 miles west of South Mill Street in Ione. This rail spur once serviced a coal mine which produced lignite coal, a unique type of coal valued for its montan wax. The mine was in operation in the late 1800's until 1971 when Mr. Riddle oversaw the closure of the operation and the corresponding rail spur. On Saturday the 26th, RRC will offer rides by vintage speeder to the mine site where Geologist Riddle will present a historical seminar on the mine and the rail spur. Amador County Historical Society has indicated an interest in having members attend this unique, historical event. (end) am This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.