Monday, 28 September 2009 00:35

Sutter Creek May do its Own First Phase Sewer Plant Expansion

slide3.pngSutter Creek – Sutter Creek likely will build its own wastewater treatment plant expansion, to be reimbursed by Gold Rush Ranch & Golf Resort, according to a report given at the City Council meeting Wednesday. City Manager Rob Duke said the plan to have Gold Rush handle the expansion of the plant was scuttled because of the need to keep the plant operational during the upgrade, so that the city system will be able to maintain service to its customers. Duke said staff decided that the first phase of the sewer plant upgrade would be easiest to do if the city hires people to do the work. Councilman Pat Crosby asked if it would mean the city would have to pay “prevailing wages.” Duke said the city would have to, as would the developer, if it did the project. He said City Attorney Dennis Crabb advised that it was unavoidable to pay prevailing wages. Councilman Tim Murphy said that the Gold Rush development agreement would need to have the “reimbursement spelled out” and clarified. Duke said that the mitigation or fee payment was a “policy issue that remains unclear,” and once the city and the Amador Regional Sanitation Authority adopt Wastewater Master Plans, “every new hook-up would pay the same fee.” He said he would make a notation for Crabb to have the draft development agreement meet the city council’s desires. Story by Jim Reece This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.