Wednesday, 30 September 2009 00:29

Cox Applauds Governor's Action Against Park Closures

slide3.pngSacramento - 1st District Senator and Amador County representative Dave Cox addressed the concerns of constituents last Friday on the proposed closure of many state parks in order to help solve California’s budget crisis. “California’s state parks are an integral part of many local economies. Thousands of small businesses partner with the state to provide recreational services to vacationing families. Keeping the state parks open means keeping more Californians employed,” said Cox. In the latest news release from Sacramento, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger assured that about 100 of California’s 267 parks would be spared full closure under a plan to achieve $14.2 million in savings during the fiscal year. Schwarzenegger called this “fantastic news for all Californians.” Cox, whose district is home to 19 state parks including those near Lake Tahoe, Mammoth Lakes and the Chaw’se Grinding Rock State Park, called the Governor’s latest announcement great news for families and school children. “With students back in school, many will now be able to take field trips to visit state parks to learn about the history of California,” he said. While the announcement comes as relief to many, it does not emphasize that just as many parks will be open only partially or seasonally under restricted hours. The plan is a cooperative effort between the Department of Parks and Recreation and the Department of Finance and many actions outlined in the plan were already being considered. The California State Parks Foundation responded suspiciously to the Governor’s statement, saying: “While the Governor has found a clever way to get political cover on this issue, it’s not clear that this plan won’t actually leave Californians with just as limited access to their state parks as if they had been fully closed.” Still, Cox sees this latest action as an important step in the right direction. Cox said: “The Governor and his Administration…should be applauded for their dedication and creative thinking that will result in keeping our state parks open.” Story by Alex Lane This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.