Tuesday, 06 October 2009 00:23

Operation Care Purple People Exhibit Raises Awareness of Domestic Violence

slide2-op._care_purple_people_exhibit_raises_awareness_of_domestic_violence.pngAmador County - If the life-sized purple people around town have caught your attention, then Operation Care is doing its job. The organization has placed 30 silhouettes of women, children, men, and even a dog at various locations around Amador County as a reminder that October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. The display was inspired by the national “Silent Witness Exhibits” founded in 1990 to honor women who have been murdered as a result of domestic violence. Each silhouette has a different, real life story or situation,” said Operation Care Executive Director Lynn Shield in a release last week. She said there is even a silhouette of a dog protected on a restraining order to reflect new legislation passed on January 1st that allows pets to be protected. Barbara, a program participant, helped to kickoff the campaign by posing with the silhouette that represents her. She is a 42-year-old woman who has lived with abuse since childhood. “My last relationship was almost my death. I was so badly beaten that my left lung is paralyzed and I have no teeth left in my mouth,” she said. Hers is one of the many heartbreaking stories of abuse attached to each of the purple people. But thanks to Operation Care, many of the stories have a silver lining. “Today I have learned to live a new life thanks to Operation Care,” said Barbara. “I have learned that I was the victim and I was a good person,” she said. In addition to the purple silhouettes, posters declaring “Peace Begins at Home” will be distributed throughout Amador County. Included with these are baskets that symbolize courage, survival, honor, and dedication to ending domestic violence. Look for all 30 purple people displays. If you or someone you know needs help, dial 911 or call the 24-hour crisis line at 209-223-2600. Operation Care provides safe shelter for women, men, and children, as well as counseling, support services, crisis intervention, education, and referrals. For more information, to make a contribution, to volunteer your services, or to obtain purple ribbons for your group, office, or organization, please call 209-223-2897. Story by Alex Lane, from a press release This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.