Friday, 30 October 2009 00:36

County Pursues Wicklow Way Property for New Jail Site

slide1-county_pursues_wicklow_way_property_for_new_jail_site.pngJackson –Amador County staff announced Wednesday the county’s intention to purchase the former Wicklow Way subdivision property for the potential construction of a new county jail facility. Tuesday afternoon, the Board of Supervisors gave direction to staff to pursue the purchase of 201.37 acres located south of Wal-Mart in Martell. County Administrative Officer Terri Daly said in a statement Wednesday that the negotiated purchase price for the property is $1,810,000. Daly said the “purchase will be funded entirely with Jail Capital Facilities Fees-funds that can only be spent on a new jail facility- and will not impact the General Fund.” Daly said “the Board intends to use this property for the purpose of constructing a new Detention Facility and other future county facilities subject to California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) compliance.” The original project, as proposed by Lemke Construction, involved the subdivision of an approximately 200 acre parcel into hundreds of residential units and commercial space. But in August, the Amador County Planning Commission denied findings in the Wicklow Way Environmental Impact Report, effectively prohibiting further action on the massive subdivision unless the developer reapplied or was granted an appeal. The appeal never came. In a subsequent public auction at the county courthouse, Umpqua Bank settled a debt of $4.8 million on the property by reverting to a purchase of the property at a price of $1,484,942 and 62 cents, the listed opening bid of the sale. General Services Association Director Jon Hopkins had been researching more than 50 properties for a jail site before the Wicklow property became available. The county originally considered property near the Health and Human Services building as its best option for a new facility. Daly said “the Wicklow Way property proves to be a more valuable and cost effective venture for future planning needs.” The Board plans to enter into an agreement to purchase the property at its upcoming meeting on December 1. Story by Alex Lane This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.