Monday, 02 November 2009 23:16

Ag Producers Encouraged to Apply for Value-Adding Grant

slide5-ag_producers_encouraged_to_apply_for_value-adding_grant.pngJackson - Local agricultural producers are being encouraged to apply for an improved federal grant that “aims to provide planning and/or capital investment for value adding enterprises started by farmers and ranchers.” Known as the Value-Added Producer Grant Program (VPG), this federal grant is designed “to help producers move into value-added agricultural enterprises,” according to University of California Cooperative Extension Representative Sean Kriletich. It was first created under the Agricultural Risk Protection Act of 2000 and expanded and improved in the 2002 and 2008 farm bills. Kriletich, a long time producer and promoter of improved local agriculture practices, is encouraging local producers to take advantage of this opportunity. “If you are an independent producer, a farmer or rancher cooperative, agricultural producer group, or a majority-controlled producer-based business venture, you are eligible to apply for a value-added grant,” he said. The Notice of Funds Available (NOFA) provides definitions for each of these categories along with other program requirements. A new NOFA is published each year with information relating to any emphasis an ag producer is considering. Visit (the website on your screen) for more information or contact your local UC Cooperative Extension office for more information. The application deadline in November 30, 2009. Story by Alex Lane This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.