Wednesday, 11 November 2009 23:17

Administrative Committee Looks at Library Site Agreement with Gold Rush

slide3-admin._committeelooks_at_library_site_agreement_with_gold_rush.pngJackson – The Administrative Committee on Monday sought clarification of a revenue sharing agreement relating to the annexation of the Gold Rush Ranch and Noble Ranch properties, including a stipulation requiring the developer to dedicate a 3-acre library site. Supervisors Ted Novelli and Brian Oneto made recommendations as to the best course of action before the item is presented to the Board of Supervisors. County Administrative Officer Terri Daly said Supervisors and the Sutter Creek City Council adopted the revenue sharing agreement on September 29, 2003, in order to address “revenue streams.” Part of the revised agreement includes a commitment by Gold Rush to dedicate a 3.01 acre site for a new main library. Gold Rush had also previously made a separate agreement with the Amador County Unified School District to dedicate 17 acres for a new school site. Bill Bunce, development partner with Gold Rush, said the County has “7 years to do something with the 3 acre parcel, and then it reverts back to the school district.” He said they are currently working with the Library Improvement Funding Taskforce group in order to help establish the specifics of the library plan. Oneto asked if there was any requirement that the school and library be built at the same time. Bunce said the two dedications are not connected - they would still be able to dedicate the 3 acres to the county if the school district decides not to accept the land set aside for it. He stressed that the land “will not revert back to (Gold Rush) if the school does not take the site.” He said the school district could eventually turn down the offer because of changing priorities or construction costs. County Counsel Martha Shaver told Bunce “you can’t dedicate something you don’t own.” Bunce said “all we have to do to own it is to have it under an option contract” and “when we execute that option is a function of when the school district wants the site.” The Supervisors agreed to bring the item before the board at their regular meeting scheduled for November 24th. Story by Alex Lane This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.