Thursday, 12 November 2009 23:23

Area 12 Agency on the Aging Presents Elder Law Topics

area_12_agency_on_the_aging_presents_elder_law_topics.pngSutter Creek – The Area 12 Agency on the Aging resumes its monthly family caregiver educational luncheons on Monday with a class taught by a Jackson attorney. The presentation is called “Elder Law Topics with Louise Longley.” Longley is an attorney in Jackson, and the presentation is the third in the “Family Caregiver Lunch & Learn Series,” which began in September with a “fitness & mobility” class by physical therapist Jan Migliaccio. In October, Lorenzo Manza of the Ione Pharmacy spoke on “adaptive equipment.” The classes allow attendees to learn practical information they can use to support aging parents and loved ones. Area 12 Agency on the Aging program manager Kristin Millhoff said that the series is open to individuals who are already in the role of caregiver to their loved ones, or to those who may take on that role in the future. The classes are sponsored by the Area 12 Agency on Aging and free of charge, including a free lunch. Classes are limited to 30 people. She said it is open to people age 18 and older, and it is mostly designed around family caregivers. It is not meant for people being paid to give care, but it is open to the public. Future classes include December’s “How to Accompany a loved one on a Doctor’s Visit,” by Tamara Harding. January’s title is “The Emotional Aspect of Having to Place a Loved one in a Facility,” by Ronna Esparze. February’s class is “Common Sense Approach to Alzheimer’s Caregiving.” Monday’s class is 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Amador County Health & Human Services, 10877 Conductor Blvd., Room A, in Sutter Creek. Pre-registration is required, as there will be lunches served. To register call 532-6272 ext. 220 or e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Story by Jim Reece This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.