Heather Murdock and Ed Tracey talk about the guest on this episode of Amador Live.

Published in AML

Heather Murdock and Ed Tracey talk about the guest on this episode of Amador Live.

Published in AML

Michael Muhareb and his Daughter cook up a storm on Amador Live as they talk about the upcoming new Menu at The Waffle Shop in Jackson, CA.

Published in AML

Roberta Picket, Linda French, Donna Braden, and Wendy Ward talk to Heather Murdock about Women Who Sparkle and the upcoming Revealing an Unclaimed Gem Playshop Series: Loving your whole self peace by piece on Tues, March 31 at the Volcano Union Inn from 8am-430pm.

Published in AML

Supervisor John Plasse gives the Supervisors Report on Amador Live.

Published in AML

Supervisor John Plasse gives the Supervisors Report on Amador Live.

Published in Local

Dr. Rita Kerr gives a health update on measles, TB, flu vaccinations and more.

Published in AML
Wednesday, 11 February 2015 19:23

Group Hug on AM Live on TSPN TV Feb 11, 2015

Ed Tracey and Heather Murdock close out Amador Live with their guests.

Published in AML

Gold Country Lane’s Spring Junior Bowling Session will begin Friday February 27 at 6 pm and end May 29.  Boys and girls ages 5-18 are eligible.  The registration fee is $20 and weekly fees are $6 or $9 depending on age.  Bumper bowling is available for children six years old and under.  No equipment or experience is needed.  The costs include a t-shirt, awards, end of session party and association membership. 

Bowling skills will last a lifetime, and everyone starts and plays every game! Stop by to sign up or call 223-3334.

Published in Local
Monday, 09 February 2015 22:34

Noon News on TSPN TV Part One Feb 9, 2015

Richard Forster talks to Tom Slivick about what is on topic for Amador County's Supervisors Report. Part One.

Published in Local