Aimee Gillaspie and Austin Gaetano open todays episode of Amador Live with lining up their guests.

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Chuck Boro discusses the Amador County's Entertainment calendar with his stand-in host, Austin Gaetano.

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Aimee Gillaspie talks to Bill Brewer about Celebrating 150 years of Gold Country Masonry at the Drytown Lodge No. 174 on Sat, March 28.

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Aimee Gillaspie talks to Geri Swift, from Cooper Vineyards, about Behind the Cellar Door this weekend.

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Aimee Gillaspie and Austin Gaetano talk to Rachael Asbell, the CHSRA Rodeo Queen, about the California High School Challenge of Champions Rodeo on Fri, Sat, and Sun, Machr 20-22 at the Plymouth Fairgrounds.

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Austin Gaetano talks to Anna Garcia and Natalie Vetter, from Operation Care, about the 'No More' Domestic Violence Awareness Campaign.

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Aimee Gillaspie and Austin Gaetano close out AM Live with their guests.

Published in AML



Together we can end Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault



Amador County, CA-- Operation Care is saying NO MORE to domestic violence and sexual assault. Every two minutes someone in the United States is sexually assaulted and every minute, 24 people are victims of physical violence, rape and stalking from their partners. Operation Care brings together everyday men and women in Amador County who want to end domestic violence and sexual assault here and throughout the United States. During NO MORE Week, March 8-15, Operation Care is asking you to join in the movement to end the silence and end the violence. Say NO MORE and make domestic violence and sexual assault awareness and prevention a priority year-round.   


Domestic violence and sexual assault are everyone's issues, because we all potentially know someone who is a victim. It may be a family member, classmate, friend, or neighbor, but chances are, someone you know has been abused or sexually assaulted. In order to end domestic violence and sexual assault, conversations need to start and the blame and shame game that victims face has to end.


Operation Care is encouraging everyone to take part in this National movement because only together can we end the silence, only together can we end the stigma, and only together can we end the violence.




What is NO MORE?

NO MORE is a national movement to raise public awareness and engage bystanders around ending domestic violence and sexual assault. Launched in March 2013 by a coalition of leading advocacy and service organizations and major corporations, NO MORE is supported by hundreds of domestic violence and sexual assault organizations at the local, state and national levels that are using its signature blue symbol to increase visibility and funding to address these critical issues.


What is NO MORE Week?

It's NO MORE's birthday! NO MORE Week is a national effort to engage every individual, organization, or corporation to say NO MORE and to make domestic violence and sexual assault awareness and prevention a priority year-round. You're invited to join the NO MORE movement and help end domestic violence and sexual assault.  For specific ways for you to get involved, go to


About Operation Care

Operation Care has been providing services and safe shelter for victims of domestic violence and sexual assault since 1980. During the 2013/14 fiscal year, 43 women and children were provided safe shelter. Advocates helped 40 victims with temporary restraining orders, and provided crisis intervention to 45 sexual assault victims. The staff provided 406 peer counseling sessions to 115 adults and 14 children, and hundreds of transports to appointments, court, and other locations. 


The mission of the organization is to provide domestic violence and sexual assault support services, crisis intervention and education in our community. For more information call 209-223-2897 or visit and

Published in Local

Roberta Pickett interviews Virginia Manner and Wendy Ward about aging gracefully. Part One.

Roberta Pickett interviews Virginia Manner and Wendy Ward about aging gracefully. Part Two.