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“We will not forget” is the pledge of the Wildland Firefighter Foundation, a non-profit foundation that honors and recognizes our Wildland Firefighters and strives to take care of our fallen and injured.
Thursday, 09 November 2006 23:36

Mokelumne River Clean Up

slide15On Saturday, November 4, dedicated volunteers worked along the banks of the Mokelumne River removing truckloads of trash and debris in the annual Mokelumne River Cleanup. Kayakers, four-wheel club members, river conservation and watershed advocates, trail builders, East Bay MUD employees, and interested citizens worked side-by-side to beautify the river. ACES Waste and Recycling volunteered dumpsters while Starbucks supplied plenty of strong coffee for volunteers. With the aid of caffeine and dumpsters; volunteers picked up everything from cigarette butts and household trash to box spring mattresses.
Tuesday, 07 November 2006 00:38

Flu Shot Mercury Ban Lifted Due To Shortage

slide32California will waive its ban on mercury in children's flu shots for up to six weeks because of a vaccine shortage that has doctors turning away young patients, state health officials have announced. Kim Belshe, secretary of the state Health and Human Services Agency, said the administration continues to support a newly effective state law that bans a mercury-based preservative known as thimerosal from vaccines given to pregnant women and children younger than 3, however due to the shortage this temporary ban lift is necessary. 

Thursday, 26 October 2006 01:56

Govenor Races

PictureA new poll from the Public Policy Institute Survey shows that Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger continues his commanding lead over Democratic challenger Phil Angelides. According to the poll 48 percent of likely voters say they support the current governor, with 30 percent supporting Angelides. Still Thirteen percent of voters remain undecided. The poll also shows challenger Angelides continues to loose support from within his own party. Angelides has only 57 percent of support among Democrats, while Schwarzenegger shows continued strength his party with 86 percent of Republicans pledging their support in the poll. 

Amador County has challenged the recent land determination decision issued for the Ione Band of Miwok Indians. That determination declared that the tribe is a Restored tribe and that the lands are restored lands. This has major implications for the tribe’s gaming endeavors on lands located in and around the town of Plymouth as restored tribes and lands have a different process for approval of their gamin establishments through the national Indian Gaming Commission. According to the press release the county has filed an appeal with the Federal Board of Indian Appeals within the Dept. of the Interior.
Monday, 16 October 2006 01:04

Jackson City Sign Ordinance Clarified

Jackson City Sign OrdinanceConfusion over the Jackson City sign ordinance has now been clarified by City Manager Mike Daly. Daly has instructed city staff that temporary signs, such as paper and fiberboard signs typically used for temporary advertising, can only be placed on the property of the business they advertise, irregardless of their size and shape. This means no signs to advertise sales at local business will be appearing on roadsides inside the city of Jackson. The issue came to a head in the last week because of ambiguity over the city’s current sign policies. The City Council recently reviewed the sign ordinance in reference to political signs popping up in the city because of the November 7th election. The ordinance as written allows only two political signs per property, no larger then 18 x 24 inches. The city council was reviewing the ordinance to see if the current policy was too restrictive.
The flu season is fast approaching and its time again to think about getting your little ones immunized for influenza. The Sutter Amador Pediatric Center, in efforts to better serve their pediatric patients, will have two flu clinics this year. The first clinic will be held Wednesday October 25th from 8:30am –noon. The second clinic will be held Thursday November 2nd from 8:30am to noon as well. The clinic is a first come first serve basis and no appointments will be necessary. For more information call the Sutter Amador Pediatric Center at 257-1722.
For the second year in a row, the Amador County Recreation Agency has received a grant from the NFL. This year 150 agencies from parks and recreation, schools, and leagues applied for the 2006 National Football League (NFL) Youth Fund Local Agency Grant in partnership with the National Recreation & Park Association (NRPA). Each applicant submitted detailed information concerning the state of youth football in Amador County in order to qualify for funding through this competitive process. Both tackle and flag programs were considered for support across the country. Amador County Recreation Agency received funding support for the Flag Football League in order to provide Uniforms, referees and insurance. This program effects between 60 and 70 youth every Fall season. Overall, 97 agencies received funding to enhance programs and create stability for the future of youth football at the grassroots level.
Monday, 09 October 2006 00:27

Saturday Debate

DebateEven with lopsided poll numbers favoring the incumbent Governor Saturday’s debate between Gov. Schwarzenegger and state Treasurer Phil Angelides was relatively calm. The candidates sparred over the direction of the state's economy and a collection of other issues facing California in the candidates' first and only debate in the race for governor. During the exchanges before a crowded California State University Sacramento's Capistrano Hall, the candidates traded very different philosophies over higher education fees, taxes and the state of California's middle class. Angelides said fees at the California State University and U.C. systems have risen by thousands of dollars under Schwarzenegger.
The California Department of Health Services is reminding residents of the importance of food handling safety.