For the second year in a row, the Amador County Recreation Agency has received a grant from the NFL. This year 150 agencies from parks and recreation, schools, and leagues applied for the 2006 National Football League (NFL) Youth Fund Local Agency Grant in partnership with the National Recreation & Park Association (NRPA). Each applicant submitted detailed information concerning the state of youth football in Amador County in order to qualify for funding through this competitive process. Both tackle and flag programs were considered for support across the country. Amador County Recreation Agency received funding support for the Flag Football League in order to provide Uniforms, referees and insurance. This program effects between 60 and 70 youth every Fall season. Overall, 97 agencies received funding to enhance programs and create stability for the future of youth football at the grassroots level.
Amador County Recreation Agency was awarded a grant in the amount of $1500. According to Executive Director Tracy Towner Yep, “It is an honor for us to be the recipient of this funding. We are working hard to provide safe programs for all of the youth in Amador County.” The Flag Football program was founded by Sam Martinovich about 10 years ago. When he passed away, Art Tressler took his place. For the past two years, Art has lent his skill and expertise to ACRA. We are looking forward to our season beginning on Oct 22nd. For more information on youth football at Amador County Recreation Agency please contact us at 257-1764.
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