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slide10The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) and the California Highway Patrol (CHP) announce the first ever joint conference to improve emergency response efforts with key participants in Highway Incident Management.  The summit is scheduled on April 3-4, 2007, at the Riverside Convention Center in Riverside, California.
slide17Supreme Court's ruling this week that the government can regulate emissions from cars. The action by the Environmental Protection Agency continues California's effort to become the first state to cut tailpipe emissions from cars, light trucks and sport utility vehicles. It also could influence the outcome of an auto industry lawsuit in California to block the state regulations, contained in a 2002 state law. "We've reviewed the issues within the waiver request," EPA spokeswoman Jennifer Wood said Tuesday to the Associated Press. "We're moving forward to the next steps of the process."
Tuesday, 03 April 2007 23:28

Britain Calls For Direct Talks With Iran

slide24Britain called for direct talks with Iran over 15 captive Britons on Tuesday. British Prime Minister Tony Blair's office said both sides "share a desire for an early resolution" through direct talks. London is now waiting for Tehran's response. The statement followed Britain's meeting for the first time with the chief Iranian international negotiator, and the release of an Iranian diplomat held in Iraq. The release suggests the standoff over the captive Britons may end with a de facto prisoner swap, something both governments have publicly discounted. The British personnel have been held by Iran since March 23.
Tuesday, 03 April 2007 00:26

Board of Supervisor's Report 4-2-07

slide2Jackson Chief of Police Scott Morrison announces that it’s official. “I am honored and pleased to announce the promotion of Christy Stidger from Police Sergeant to Police Captain,” he said. This is history in the making for the as Stidger is the first Police Captain in the history of the Jackson Police Dept., the highest ranking female in the history of the Dept., and the highest ranking female for general/municipal law enforcement in the history of Amador County. Stidger is a veteran law enforcement officer with twenty-five years of experience.
Tuesday, 03 April 2007 00:15

Weekend Accidents

slide6This weekend CHP Officers had some relief with only 4 reported accidents occurring between Thursday and Sunday, compared to the 6 accidents that were reported on Saturday alone last weekend. The first accident reported occurred on Thursday on Hwy. 88 west of Omo Ranch Road. According to Officer Steve Ladd’s report Stephen Henson of Folsom was traveling east bound on Hwy. 88 in his 2004 Doge Ram truck, towing his newly purchased 2007 Ski Doo snowmobile and trailer. While negotiating a right curve in the roadway, Henson observed a white panel type delivery truck traveling west bound partially over the double yellow lines and continuing into his lane. Henson stated that the steered to the right to avoid the truck, however the unknown driver continued into the eastbound lane and sideswiped the trailer as well as caused damage to the trailer and the snowmobile. The delivery truck then fled the scene.
slide9Amador County Treasurer-Tax Collector Michael E. Ryan is reminding property owners that they have until Tuesday, April 10, 2007 at 5 p.m., to make the second installment payment of their annual secured property taxes for the 2006-07 fiscal year. This deadline should not be confused with the Income Tax deadline which is five days later. The second installment of secured property taxes was due and payable on February 1, 2007, and will become delinquent if not paid by 5 p.m. on Tuesday, April 10, 2007; thereafter  a 10% delinquent penalty and $10 cost charge will be added.  Taxes remaining unpaid after June 30, 2007 accrue additional statutory penalties at the rate of 1-1/2 percent per month, as well as additional fees.
slide15A California appeals court ruled last week that the Constitution still requires police to have a good reason to search you, even if you are visiting American Indian lands such as the Jackson Rancheria Casino. The case involves Gilbert Ramirez, who in November of 2003 was caught with methamphetamine, heroin and marijuana in a car in the parking lot of the Jackson Rancheria Casino, according to court documents. Ramirez had large enough quantities of the drugs that authorities decided to prosecute him for intending to sell the drugs.
slide2The Jackson City Council voted to give Jackson’s Police Chief, Scott Morrison a helping hand on Monday night. Before the council was the approval of the reclassification of one Police Sergeant Classification to Police Captain Classification. Chief Morrison reported that throughout the history of the Jackson Police Department the ranks and structure of the department has changed. Approximately 7 years ago the department added one Police Detective that would rotate throughout the ranks, and more recently, 4 years ago, created a permanent Sergeant position. “The department is growing in numbers. We are much busier and have many more responsibilities and things we haven’t handled years earlier,” said Morrison. This includes high tech crimes, one of which they have recently encountered. He reported that under the current rank structure, the second in command is Sergeant Christy Stidger, if re-classification were approved he reported she would become the new Captain.
slide11The long awaited decision regarding the Martell Investments LLC issue of what uses are allowed in a Manufacturing zone appeared before the Board of Supervisors on Tuesday. Previously on February 6th the Board continued their decision and created an ad hoc committee consisting of Supervisors Rich Escamilla and Richard Forster to meet with staff to discuss options to present to the Board. Planning Director Susan Grijalva reported that the ad hoc committee and staff met and decided to move in a different direction than what was previously discussed. The Committee suggested to the Board that they allow an application be submitted to change the zoning of this specific property only from “M” Manufacturing District to “C1” Retail Commercial and Office District, which allows the uses proposed by Martell Investments representative Ron Regan.