Friday, 30 March 2007 02:16

Martell Investment Zoning Issues Resolved: Property Re-Zoned

slide11The long awaited decision regarding the Martell Investments LLC issue of what uses are allowed in a Manufacturing zone appeared before the Board of Supervisors on Tuesday. Previously on February 6th the Board continued their decision and created an ad hoc committee consisting of Supervisors Rich Escamilla and Richard Forster to meet with staff to discuss options to present to the Board. Planning Director Susan Grijalva reported that the ad hoc committee and staff met and decided to move in a different direction than what was previously discussed. The Committee suggested to the Board that they allow an application be submitted to change the zoning of this specific property only from “M” Manufacturing District to “C1” Retail Commercial and Office District, which allows the uses proposed by Martell Investments representative Ron Regan.

slide12 Grijalva reported that they developed 2 basic findings. The first was that the Martell and Sierra West Business Parks be excluded from the Boards General Plan Amendment and Zone Change Moratorium to allow the redevelopment of the Martell area. She said the Martell Investments parcel adjoins the Martell Business Park and that the move is a logical extension of the exclusion of the area as it lies within the Hwy. 88, 49 and 104 “triangle” as they call it that surrounds the Martell and Sierra West Business Parks.

The second finding was that the original purpose for the “M” zoning in the area was to protect the former lumber mill from incompatible uses. Grijalva said since the mill is no longer there it is desirable to consider a zone change for the property to make it compatible with the surrounding uses. The committee also suggested to the Board that the “C2” or Heavy Commercial District regulations be clarified to eliminate the confusion regarding what uses are allowed under the zoning. She said that if the board decides to move forward with staff’s clarification then a resolution will have to be adopted directing staff to initiate an amendment to the zoning code to consider amending the “C2” District by clarifying the uses allowed specifically under item one.

slide16 The only public comment at the meeting was from the Ron Regan representing Martell Investments LLC thanking the Board and County Staff for working on the issue. “What has been presented I think works for everyone,” he said. “I appreciate the fact that you guys have made all the efforts, and staff, because it was a difficult position for all of us.” Subsequently the Board unanimously decided to deny the appeal and move forward with the Ad-hoc committee’s and staffs’ recommendations. County Counsel explained that the appeal would have to be denied because it requested that clarification be given to personal service uses as well as clarifying what uses are allowed in a Manufacturing zone. Since the board mutually arrived at an alternative, which was to rezone the property, the appeal no longer remained relevant. The Board immediately following adopted the resolution directing staff to clarify what uses are allowed in a “C2” zone or Heavy Commercial District.