Thursday, 12 July 2007 23:28

Animal Spay and Neuter Controversial Bill Doesn’t Garner Enough Support

slide21A controversial bill that would have required mandatory spaying and neutering of most California cats and dogs was shelved last Monday. Assemblyman Lloyd Levine, D-Van Nuys, pulled AB 1634 at a hearing of the state Senate Local Government Committee at the Capitol. "It pains me to have to tell everybody this, but I've been reading the handwriting on the wall and it doesn't look like we have the votes," Levine said as he announced his decision on KCRA.

slide22 Certainly locally the Bill was not well accepted. GSA Director John Hopkins gave a presentation to the Board of Supervisors on the Bill in April, and it was made clear that the Board had no intentions of supporting the Assembly bill.  The Bill would prohibit any person from owning or possessing any cat or dog over the age of 4 months that has not been spayed or neutered, unless that person possesses an “intact” permit, for which the fees have yet to be defined. While, Levine says the legislation is needed to curb the number of unwanted pets that end up being euthanized, the Board argued in April the Bill was too stringent for pet owners, and almost in a way taking away personal liberties.

slide23 The Bill was strongly opposed by many dog breeder organizations including: the American Dog Breeders Association, United Kennel Club, International Cat Association, Sacramento Council of Dog Clubs. Levine was disappointed by the lack of support. "Not only, as you know, do we have ... hundreds of thousands of dogs and cats suffering in animal shelters, but we're spending hundreds of millions of dollars in taxpayer money on that, and unfortunately the tactics of my opponents have just made it such that we can't move on," Levine said. Supervisor Richard Forster made it very clear in April that if Levine felt so strongly about the bill than he should step up and be the guinea pig.