Sunday, 15 July 2007 23:17

PG&E Grants Up For Grabs

slide29Pacific Gas and Electric Company has announced that it will once again offer grants, funded by its shareholders, to local economic development organizations and agencies throughout its northern and central California service territory. Helen Burt, senior vice president and chief customer officer for PG&E  states "We recognize the communities we serve are continuing to face a wide range of economic challenges,". Burt continues "We will be looking for projects that promote private sector investment to strengthen the local economies of the communities where we live and work."

slide30 Last year several local agencies were helped through this grant process. These agencies included San Joaquin Delta Community College in partnership with San Joaquin Delta College Small Business Development Center for the development of Small Business Development Guide for Alpine, Amador and Calaveras Counties and the Sierra Nonprofit Support Center for their project Volunteerism — The Heart of the Mother Lode. Governmental agencies and 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations in PG&E's service area are qualified and eligible to apply for grants ranging from $2,500 to $10,000. In addition, organizations which are not governmental agencies or 501(c)(3) nonprofits can partner with qualifying organizations and apply as a team. Completed applications must be submitted online no later than August 17, 2007. Grantees will be announced in early October. Applications will be judged in two categories: economic development and community development.

slide32 Examples of projects in the first category include those focused on business retention, business recruitment, and economic development training, conferences, studies and reports. Examples of projects in the second category include infrastructure planning and downtown improvement. "The goal of our grant program is to directly increase or retain jobs in the primary businesses that support the local economy. Furthermore, those projects that provide development assistance to underserved communities will be given the highest priority, along with those that can demonstrate environmental sustainability," said Burt. This year's program totals $400,000 in grants to help meet our communities' economic development needs.

Last year, PG&E awarded approximately $380,000 to 63 community-based organizations and local government agencies. PG&E has a long history of making charitable grants tailored to the wide variety of needs of the communities it serves. The company's charitable contributions program provides cash grants, in-kind contributions, and volunteers for community-based nonprofit organizations, and for schools and other governmental programs throughout Northern and Central California. All charitable contributions are entirely funded by the company's shareholders.  For more information about PG&E's Economic Development program including grant guidelines and to complete an application, please visit: