Thursday, 24 January 2008 23:43

Amador Water Agency Strategic Planning Workshop

slide11.pngAmador Water Agency Board Members and Department heads held a Strategic Planning Workshop on Wednesday. The Agency looked at how it is meeting its current goals and the future needs of the county. One key agency goal for 2007 was “zero” water quality violations from the State Dept of Health Services – the agency received 2 violation notices in 2007 and was required to make one public notification of a water quality issue last year. In an annual customer survey on overall customer service and the agency’s rate sensitivity, customers gave the agency a 93% satisfaction mark.

slide12.pngThe Agency applies for grants and low interest loans for water and wastewater projects when possible to keep the cost to ratepayers down. Workshop participants reviewed a lengthy list of grants and federally assisted loan application and the status of those applications was presented. Major projects on the Agency’s to do list: Installing a small-diameter pipe in the lower section of the Amador Canal in August of 2010, Construction of the Plymouth pipeline in August 2009, expanding the Tanner Water Treatment Plant Spring of 2011, bringing treated water to JVID and Buena Vista Raw Water customer, and adding water storage capacity to Lower Bear River Reservoir.