Wednesday, 18 April 2007 00:10

Bill By Senator Cox To Protect Communities From Prison Issues Passes 1st Hurdle

slide11Senator Dave Cox’s efforts to protect communities from the adverse effects of prisons moved one step closer to reality yesterday.  SB 878 by Senator Dave Cox passed its first hurdle by receiving a unanimous vote by members of the Senate Public Safety Committee. “Members of the Senate Public Safety Committee should be applauded for helping small communities,” said Senator Dave Cox.  “I am encouraged by today’s action to put the needs of local communities first.  In light of past history, it is important that the State of California live up to its promises.” SB 878 requires the State of California to include mitigation measures when building or expanding state prisons.  These measures would make the affected communities with current prisons and proposed expanded facilities whole in terms of transportation, education, social service and environmental impacts. Cox’s measure stemmed from having five prisons in his district and seeing first-hand the impacts prisons have on surrounding communities.  SB 878 will now move to the Senate Environmental Quality Committee.