Thursday, 24 May 2007 00:31

Bunco For Breast Cancer A Huge Success As Over $16,000 Is Raised

slide18The room was rocking all night long with lots of pretty in pink as over 300 Bunco Players dressed in pink to support the Amador STARS 3rd Annual Amador County Bunco For Breast Cancer event at St. Sava Mission last Friday. The event was sponsored by Pat Thurin and Pioneer Travel Service located in Pine Grove. Everyone came together for a good time and to support friends and family members who have been touched by cancer. Even the men in the room got into the act by showing that Real Men Wear Pink, including Dr. Bob Hartmann, who arrived "dressed by my office staff", he declared, "down to even my pink flip flops. This is a marvelous event and I am so happy to have been invited to participate in it," said Hartman. Over 100 silent and live auction items were donated by the community. Co Chairs of the event, Ginger Rolf and Pat Thurin were happy to see a sell out crowd for the third year in a row. The event last year raised over $13,000 and this year, Amador STARS is pleased to announce they have topped the $16,000 mark!

slide19 The funds have been used and will continue to be used to support women with cancer, by supplying free scarves, caps, hats and wigs.  Free transportation is provided also by the Amador STARS to all cancer patients who are going through chemotherapy and radiation treatments.  All money raised, remains local except for 10 % which goes to research.  “We gave over $16,000 to Sutter Cancer Center for research and plan to make another donation to research again this fall. Without research, we would not make the gains on slowing down the incidence of cancer, and also raising the survival rates," said co-chair Ginger Rolf.

slide22 The Amador STARS would also like to remind the community that they are in need of licensed cosmetologists to assist with a Look Good Feel Better Program that is co-sponsored by the Amador STARS and the American Cancer Society. The program provides make up techniques, scarf tricks and wig information to women going through cancer treatment.  The program is free, and Ginger Rolf - the Director of the Amador STARS said "without licensed volunteers the program cannot continue.” If you can volunteer to help, please phone the STARS office at 223-1246. While this years Bunco for Breats Cancer was a huge success the Amador STARS expects next to year to be bigger and better and says, “We hope to see everyone next year at the 4th Annual Amador County Bunco For Breast Cancer celebration!”
