Thursday, 31 May 2007 01:13

Investigation Continues Into Vogan Toll Road Fire

slide2The investigation is continuing into the Vogan Toll Road fire that occurred early last Friday morning. According to Jackson Fire Chief Mark Morton, he, the Jackson Police Department and Cal Fire investigators are all working closely on leads they have received. Jackson PD Captain Christy Stidger said they do suspect that the fire is arson. Stidger said that Tom Oldeg, the CDF arson investigator, Fire Chief Mark Morton and Jackson Detective Chris Mynderup have all been following up on what she called “some pretty good leads.” Captain Stidger also revealed that they are investigating it as a burglary as property was missing.  Stidger said a computer was found to be missing after investigators searched the scene. The fire broke out last Friday at 4:30am at the Law Offices of Stephen Zalkind. The fire was first reported by the Jackson Police officer on scene to be a fully involved structure. Fire crews from Jackson and Cal Fire arrived on scene within minutes with two engines a piece. The structure by this time was fully ablaze and concerns turned to limiting the spread of the fire to the surrounding fields. Crews were able to limit the spread and the fire was under control by 5:07 am, but the building was a total loss.