Friday, 01 June 2007 00:06

Assembly Bill 105 to Prevent Minors from Tanning in Tanning Booths

slide20If a new law, Assembly Bill 105, passes through the State Assembly, teenagers under the age of 18 will be banned from using tanning beds.  AB105 raises the minimum age kids may use tanning devices to 18. Under current law, children 14 to 18 can use tanning booths with parental permission. According to leading dermatologists tanning beds can be even more dangerous than natural sunlight because they primarily use ultraviolet "A" wavelengths. The ultraviolet "A" that you get in a tanning booth is hundreds or even a thousand times more intense than what you get from natural sunlight  and with malignant melanoma now the leading cause of cancer deaths among woman aged 25 to 29 Assemblyman Ted Lieu, D-El Segundo wrote the bill. If it passes and is signed into law, the teen tanning booth ban would take effect January 1, 2008.