Thursday, 07 June 2007 02:00

Woman Facing 16 Felony Counts After “One Woman Crime Spree”

slide4District Attorney Todd Riebe has announced a series of charges against 30 year old Christina Roseann Yeadon-Torres, who he describes as a “one woman crime spree.” The charges against Yeadon-Torres almost seem innumerable at 18 counts, 16 of which are Felonies. The charges stem from a series of incidents that occurred on Monday June 4th when Yeadon-Torres stole checks and other items from a patron of the casino and then committed burglary, theft, forgery, identity theft and much more.  Count 1, Second Degree Commercial Burglary stems from when Yeadon-Torres entered Wal-Mart in Martell with the “intent to commit larceny and any felony.” The second felony count is False Personation as the woman falsely impersonated to be the victim from which she stole the items.

Count 3 is similar and pertains to Identity Theft as Torres unlawfully obtained personal identifying information about the victim and then proceeded to purchase goods, services and credit in the woman’s name. By doing so Yeadon-Torres receives her 4th count, Forgery as she forged and counterfeited checks in victim’s name in an attempt to buy items, all the while knowing that they were counterfeit making it another felony.

The 5th Count also pertains to Forgery when June 4th she possessed a completed check, money order and traveler’s check with the intent to use them and defraud the victim from which she stole the items. The 6th Felony Count levied against Torres is Grand Theft of Personal Property as the complaint further describes her unlawfully using those checks to buy $479.89 worth of merchandise at Wal-Mart. 

Count 7, Attempted Grand Theft of Personal property stems from when Torres again entered Wal-Mart and bought merchandize totaling $1,493.94 with the checks she had stolen from the victim. Both Counts 6 and 7 lead in the 8th count which is Petty Theft With A Prior since Torres did not lawfully pay for the merchandize from Wal-Mart it is considered stealing when she left the store with the items. The prior charges the count referred to stem from when Torres was convicted for Petty Theft in Stanislaus County for which she served “a term for each crime in a penal institution,” according to the DA’s complaint.

The 9th charge Torres if facing is another count of Second Degree Commercial Burglary, the count differs in that the location for the crime was the Jackson Rancheria Casino.

Count 10 was another felony charge of False personation as on June 4th Yeadon-Torres again impersonated the victim in a “private and official capacity.”

slide11 Count 11 is also a repeated charge of identity theft as Torres again used the victim’s personal identifying information to “attempt to obtain, credit, goods, services and information…without (her) consent.”

Counts 12 &13 pertain to felony charges of Forgery as Torres again used the woman’s stolen items, such as her checks, money order, traveler’s check, etcetera with the intent to defraud another person with the full understanding that she was unlawfully doing so as they were not authorized by the victim.  According to the District Attorney’s complaint on June 4th Torres also stole “$2,000 in U.S. currency (which was) the property of the Jackson Rancheria,” thus her 14th Count-Grand Theft of Personal Property. Torres is also being charged with Attempted Grand Theft of Personal Property as the woman made a failed attempt to take money and personal property from the Jackson Rancheria which exceeded $5,000 in value.

Count 16, a felony of Receiving Stolen Property, stems from when Yeadon-Torres received or aided in the receiving of stolen goods with the knowledge that the goods “had been stolen and obtained by extortion.”

The 17th Count levied against Torres is a misdemeanor charge of Giving False Information to A Police Officer as she falsely represented herself as another person upon arrest in order to evade the situation before her. The last count Torres is facing is also a misdemeanor for driving on a suspended license for a prior DUI. Undersheriff Jim Wegner said the Sheriff’s Office arrested Yeadon-Torres after she attempted to use stolen checks and ID at Wal-Mart. After the woman’s 3rd or 4th attempt to do so on the same day, he said the manager was asked to come to the register where she was checking out, but before the manager made it there Torres made a run for it. Wegner said, Torres then proceeded to the Casino and was using the stolen checks. “She was subsequently detained at the casino.  We responded, conducted an investigation and she went to jail for a plethora of charges.” Torres will be appearing in Amador County Superior Court with the 18 charges before her.