Monday, 14 September 2009 04:25

Plymouth Approves $130K Wastewater Plan

slide1_plymouth_approves_130k_wastewater_plan.pngPlymouth – Hoping for a federal grant, the Plymouth City Council last week approved $139,000 in planning for a city wastewater system improvement, but gave a slow nod to planners, saying the money may not make it to town. The council voted 5-0 to authorize City Manager Dixon Flynn to approve task orders under existing contracts with Weber Ghio & Associates, not to exceed $51,850 and with Nolte & Associates not to exceed $85,000. The work will include preparation of plans and specifications and the execution of grant documents related to wastewater improvements, and adoption of an updated grant resolution if deemed necessary by the California Water Resources Control Board. The grant documents would be executed for American Recovery and Reinvestment Act funding, for which consultant Richard Prima said the city may qualify for about $2 million. But he said the grant funds are not a sure thing, and the city council made note of that in initiating the work. The contracts were approved on the condition that the 2 firms would not get paid until after a grant is received. If the city does not get a recovery grant, the firms will have to wait to get paid when the city can make payment. City Clerk Gloria Stoddard said Nolte and Weber can do the preliminary work with the understanding that the city is waiting for funding. The council “wanted them to know up front that until (Plymouth knows) for sure that we have the grant, that there is a possibility that we would not get the grant.” The city should learn by the end of the month whether or not it gets the grant. The work has to be done and out to bid by November 2nd. Story by Jim Reece. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.