Tuesday, 26 June 2007 00:18

SPI Works With State Water Board On Clean Up Issues At Martell Site

slide17Last week’s meeting of the Central Valley Regional Water Quality control board included an executive officer report regarding a Notice of Violation and draft Cleanup and Abatement Order, filed against Sierra Pacific Industries for their facility in Martell. Sierra Pacific Industries owns property where lumber processing was historically performed. Under Waste Discharge Requirements, Order No. 98-094, the Discharger, SPI, is required to close and remediate a wood waste landfill, ash disposal area, and fungicide dip area. On May 5 2007, the Discharger was issued a Notice of Violation (NOV) for discharge of waste to the surface water and groundwater, in violation of WDRs Order No. 98 094

Landfill leachate was released to a surface water drainage course during the winter of 2006-2007. In addition, dioxins/furans were detected in several groundwater monitoring wells, according to the Central Valley Water Board’s draft order, while phenols were detected in a monitoring well directly down hill from one of the waste management units. Finally, according to the Central Valley Board’s order, the Discharger failed to report these releases verbally as soon as the release occurred, as required, and did not provide a written notification within 7 days. Also, SPI did not resample immediately after discovering the release, as required by the WDRs.

slide21 The Notice Of Violation requires that the Discharger shall (a) By 16 July 2007, submit a work plan to prevent any future release of landfill leachate into the surface water courses; (b) submit a construction report by 28 September 2007 that documents the completion of work to prevent any future release of leachate into the surface water courses; and (c) complete a phenol and dioxin/furan groundwater investigation. A draft Cleanup and Abatement Order (CAO) was sent out on May 25 2007 addressing the above 3 issues, as well as the closure of a wood waste landfill and ash disposal pile. Also being requested of SPI is the investigation and possible remediation of a previous wood dip tank area. SPI replied to the May 25th draft order with extensive comments that were received by the State Water Board last week. Board staff is working on finalizing the CAO, after which it be reviewed by legal staff before the Executive Officer considers signing it.