Thursday, 28 June 2007 00:28

Grand Jury Report Available To The Public

slide18The 2006-2007 Grand Jury report was made officially available to the public yesterday. This years Grand Jury consisted of a core group of dedicated citizens who devoted time and effort to their duties for an entire year. Robert Davis, this years Foreman of the Grand Jury addressed the members of the Grand Jury in the report and said, “It is gratifying to see you rise to the challenge and produce and excellent, thoughtful document…The Court and all Amador County citizens appreciate the insight and expertise shown in your report. Your participating and willingness to serve in our justice system strengthens it and makes it better.” 
slide22 Your participating and willingness to serve in our justice system strengthens it and makes it better.”  The dedicated group of 19 was mandated to conduct certain activities such as the visitation and review of operations and facilities throughout the County. Some of those facilities they visited and investigated included: Mule Creek State Prison, Preston Youth Authority, Pine Grove Youth Conservation Camp, and the Amador County Detention Center. The findings of those visits and investigations are available in the final report. The Grand Jury also found it pertinent to conduct a review and investigation of the ACUSD, the MCSP wastewater situation, Westover Field Airport, and Amador-Tuolmne Community Action Agency. In addition they also made a review of the facilities and equipment this year’s Grand Jury was given to work with. This year the group received 14 citizen complaints, 10 of which were reviewed, investigated and available in their final report.  Davis said the Grand Jury chose to only produce a limited number of hard copies to conserve paper. The 2006-2007 Grand Jury report is available on line by visiting the County’s website at For more information about the Grand Jury call 223-2574.