Wednesday, 11 July 2007 23:45

Ballot Measure for Proposed Initiative- Eminent Domain

slide49A new petition for signatures to put a new ballot measure on February’s Primary election ballot may be coming to a store front near you. The subject of the proposed initiative- Eminent Domain. California Secretary of State Debra Bowen announced on Friday that the proponents of the new initiative may begin collecting petition signatures for their measure. The Attorney General has prepared the legal title and summary which is required to appear on initiative petitions.
slide51 The Attorney General's official title and summary for this measure is as follows: EMINENT DOMAIN. ACQUISITION OF OWNER-OCCUPIED RESIDENCE. CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT. This new law would prohibit state and local governments from using eminent domain to acquire an owner-occupied residence, as defined, for conveyance to a private person or business entity. The law would create exceptions for public work or improvement, public health and safety protection, and crime prevention. The Summary of estimate of costs to taxpayers done by the  Legislative Analyst and Director of Finance say the measure would likely not have any significant fiscal impact on state or local governments. The proponents for this measure, Christopher K. McKenzie, Susan Smartt and Kenneth Willis, must collect the signatures of 694,354 registered voters – the number equal to 8% of the total votes cast for governor in the 2006 gubernatorial election – in order to qualify the measure for the ballot. The proponents have 150 days to circulate petitions for this measure, meaning the signatures must be collected by December 3, 2007. The initiative proponents can be reached at (415) 389-6800.