Monday, 01 March 2010 00:56

Sutter Creek to Consider Council Statement for Gold Rush Ballot

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slide2-sutter_creek_to_consider_council_statement_for_gold_rush_ballot.pngAmador County – The Sutter Creek City Council tonight will consider the wording of a council statement to be printed on a citywide referendum ballot that could decide whether the Gold Rush Ranch & Golf Resort continues as planned or goes back to the drawing board. The city council last week placed the referendum on the June 8th primary ballot, and appointed staff to add more detail about the project on the ballot question, which was approved February 15th. Resolution 09-10-17 asks: Should the city council’s resolution “approving the Gold Rush Ranch specific plan, general plan amendments, and phased vesting large lot tentative subdivision map, be adopted to authorize development of a public golf course, a hotel, timeshares, residential units and various commercial uses and requiring provision at developer expense of community park, open space, trails, sewer plant and donation of land and funds for community us?” The council will also consider a City Council statement that will accompany and be printed on the ballots and sample ballots for the election. Councilwoman Sandy Anderson and Planning Commissioner Frank Cunha were appointed by the council last week to write the statement, which would tell – in part – why the city council members voted 4-1 to approve the Gold Rush project. The statement has a 300-word limit. Proponents of the referendum also may write a statement for the ballot, with a 300-word limit. The resolution stated that “primary arguments must be filed within 14 days of calling the election, rebuttal arguments to be filed within 10 days after the close of primary arguments.” The city in the resolution also directed City Attorney Dennis Crabb to conduct and write an “objective analysis” of the measure, which will be limited to 500 words. Crabb will prepare “an impartial analysis as to the effect of the measure on existing law and the operation of the measure.” The meeting is 7 p.m. today at city hall. Story by Jim Reece This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Read 315 times Last modified on Monday, 01 March 2010 05:04