Monday, 01 March 2010 00:46

TAC to Consider Buena Vista Biomass Power Permit Revision

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slide5-tac_to_consider_buena_vista_biomass_power_permit_revision.pngAmador County – The Amador County Technical Advisory Committee will return Wednesday to considering amendments to a use permit at the Buena Vista Biomass Power plant on Coal Mine Road. The TAC members will continue to evaluate the potential environmental impacts. The committee “may propose conditions and mitigation measures;” and it could “possibly make a recommendation” to the Amador County Planning Commission. Buena Vista Biomass Power is looking to amend a use permit that was issued to the Jackson Valley Energy Partners at the Cogeneration plant at 4655 Coal Mine Road near Ione, and in Amador County’s unincorporated area of Supervisorial District 2. The company seeks to remove “fuels currently allowed,” including “a requirement in the Amador Air District permit to burn a minimum of 20 percent lignite.” The permit change would replace lignite fuels with “100 percent renewable woody biomass fuel sources, including (but not limited to) forestry waste, agricultural waste; and clean urban waste.” The request notes that Buena Vista Biomass would not use painted, pressure treated or other “altered” fuel sources. And the company “is also proposing to upgrade the existing facility to incorporate best available control technologies such as installation of a new ‘bag-house’ and selective non-catalytic reduction for particulate capture.” That also includes a “continuous emission monitoring system.” The applicant “is also proposing to grade or fill “the fuel pad area, including an onsite balance and cut fill of approximately 10,500 cubic yards of native fill material to expand the existing fuel supply pad.” Proposed site work would include redesigning a truck ingress and egress, installation of 2 truck dumps, and “additional facility restorative work.” In late January, the company hosted a meeting at Bishop Hall in Ione, with about 90 people attending. Story by Alex Lane This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Read 2079 times Last modified on Monday, 01 March 2010 05:03