Tuesday, 24 July 2007 00:20

CHP Reports: Close Calls Over The Weekend

It was a close call for a Pioneer resident when the rear wheel of someone’s vehicle came flying into his lane on Saturday. According to Officer Jeremy Dobler’s report Norberto Marquez, 35 and of Ceres was eastbound on Ridge Road entering the sweeping curve just west of Ridge View Drive when his 1989 Chevy suddenly lost its left rear wheel. The wheel flew into the westbound lane where it collided with 67 year old Robert Chapman of Pioneer’s 2001 Dodge. According to the report neither driver was injured.
It was an even closer call for a man involved in an accident the very next day on Hwy. 88 and Pioneer Creek Road. Officer Drake Wilburn reports that Joshua Cranwell of Pioneer was traveling eastbound on Hwy. 88 at 35 mph on a 2007 Harley Davidson Motorcycle when Michelle Davis of Freedom pulled out Pioneer Creek Road directly in front of him. The front of motorcycle hit the rear of Davis’ Subaru causing Cranwell to be thrown from the Harley and land in the trunk of Subaru. Cranwell walked away from the incident without any injuries.