Tuesday, 04 May 2010 06:21

ARTS Board OKs Search For New Transit Manager

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slide1-arts_board_oks_search_for_new_transit_manager.pngAmador County – The Amador Regional Transit System board of directors last week authorized the hiring of a new transit manager, and also looked at possible changes in the Mobility Management program. The board, in a special meeting held last Thursday, April 29th, appointed a committee of 3 of its members to interview candidates for the manager position. Requests for qualifications have already been made for the position, which included in-depth job duty descriptions, as recommended by the ARTS ad hoc budget committee. Supervisor John Plasse will also discuss the Mobility Management program this week, in a conference call with the California Department of Transportation. Mobility Management program manager, Mel Welsh is also expected to attend the conference call. The board reportedly took steps toward terminating the current contract with Welsh as Mobility Manager, and will look into the future of the program. ACTC Executive Director Charles Field said ARTS will be consulting with Caltrans about whether or not they can continue the Mobility Management program, and also about how to continue the program. As the board took steps toward terminating the contract, ARTS staff and Welsh have looked at the possibility of removing Mobility Management from the ARTS umbrella and reorganizing it under the Amador-Tuolumne Community Action Agency. The board took steps toward ending the contract for the mobility manager, but they are going to consult with the state about whether they can continue the program, and how they can continue the program. Mobility Management is funded through a federal grant award of $125,000 a year over 2 years. Field said if the money is not used on the program, the funds go back to the federal government. The Mobility Management program must satisfy its spending and duties as outlined in its grant application. The special meeting Thursday also included a closed session conference with legal counsel regarding potential litigation. Also in closed session, the board made a “public employee performance evaluation” for Assistant Transit Manager Joyce Jones. The next regular ARTS board meeting is May 19th. Story by Jim Reece This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Read 734 times Last modified on Tuesday, 04 May 2010 06:32