Wednesday, 05 May 2010 04:14

Finance Director Gardner Blasts Sutter Creek Council, Management

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slide1-_finance_director_gardner_blasts_sutter_creek_council_management.pngAmador County – Sutter Creek Finance Director Jeff Gardner left the employment of the city Monday with a scathing letter that criticized the city council and its management of promulgating “financial improprieties,” despite his warnings. Gardner in a letter dated Monday (May 3rd) to the city council, listed 13 different instances where the city council, city manager or assistant city manager committed questionable actions. Gardner in the letter said: “There are many more items, but this is just an indication of how management and the city council colluded to misrepresent financial issues in the city of Sutter Creek.” He said while he was an “at-will” employee, he “made sure to bring all of these issues to the attention of the full council and the city attorney.” He said: “I believe as a result my contract was cancelled today,” adding that he expects “to take the appropriate action to insure this doesn’t occur again in the future.” Gardner said 8 months ago, he “put the city council and city attorney on notice about multiple improprieties associated with the financial internal controls of the city of Sutter Creek.” He said: “I explained in my e-mail I intended to go to the Grand Jury if something wasn’t done immediately.” He said the “response from the Finance Committee was an attempt to blame the issues on the Finance Director.” Gardner was the city finance director since 2004. Gardner said in the letter that when Assistant City Manager Sean Rabe was hired, Gardner “sat down and had a detailed discussion” about at least 8 issues. Gardner said: “I specifically told him if he wasn’t willing to do anything about it, he was culpable for all of the wrong doing as well.” He said Rabe was “fully informed by the end of his first week of work for the city of Sutter Creek.” Rabe said Gardner read part of the letter Monday, then left copies of it on a table. Rabe said the “city council received copies of the letter. They are reviewing it and will act accordingly.” Rabe said “neither the city manager nor I have acted inappropriately in any manner.” He said Gardner’s employment was a “personnel action that I can’t discuss,” beyond the fact that the city council voted to end Gardner’s contract. Gardner has an open-ended contract that required 30-days notice for termination. The council directed staff to end the contract immediately, and Gardner will be paid for the remaining 30 days. Rabe said the council will have an independent party look into Gardner’s allegations that an employee received improper payment. Story by Jim Reece This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Read 435 times Last modified on Wednesday, 05 May 2010 06:11