Monday, 13 August 2007 01:39
Jackson City Council Faces Jackson Hills Decision Tonight

The project has seen its share of controversy,
including a formal recommendation from the Amador County Transportation
Commission that the project be denied by the city due to the overwhelming
nature of the traffic considerations for the already overly impacted roads in
the city and surrounding county areas. The Jackson Planning Commission also recommended denial of the
project on a 3-2 vote. Tonight during the mandated public hearing for the
Jackson Hills Golf Course and Residential Community a hearing to receive more
public comment will be held and then the council will determine their actions
on the Certification of Environmental Impact Report, the Tentative Subdivision
Map, a General Plan Amendment to allow for the Residential Low Density and
Recreation with a Planned Development Overlay which also includes the Rezoning
of the land to Residential Single Family (R-1) and Planned Unit Development
(PUD) and a Resolution Exempting 68 Phase I units from Resource Allocation
Program Ordinance. The meeting is at the Jackson Civic Center at 7pm