A fire broke out Friday afternoon near the
Amador Calaveras County line southwest of Salt Springs reservoir. The fire,
called the Dome fire, burned
in a remote area of Calaveras County with no structures or occupied areas
threatened. According to CAL Fire 13 state and three federal engines were on scene, with
several local Amador County fire departments also responding.
Five air
tankers, four helicopters and six hand crews were also called upon to fight the
blaze. According to CalFire spokesman Public Information Officer Pat Kaunert, the fire is still located in the
general vicinity of Salt Springs Reservoir, and 13 miles northeast of the small
community of Dorrington in Calaveras County. An early estimate from CAL
FIRE was that the fire was approximately 80-110 acres. The Forest Service is
currently estimating the fire at 75 acres. The fire is burning in steep and
difficult terrain with no threat to any structures or communities. By Sunday
morning Kaunert reported approximately 725 firefighters are on the fire including three air tankers, three
helicopters, four water tenders, two dozers, 22 fire engines, 28 twenty-person
hand crews, and 20 supervisory overhead and support personnel.

says that despite the difficulty of the terrain the firefighters are making
excellent progress, while at the same time, making sure that safety comes
first. This morning the fire is reportedly 80 percent containment at
approximately 75 acres and the resources on the fire have been reduced to 200
firefighters. Retardant-dropping fixed wing air tankers have also been scaled
back but water-dropping helicopters are continuing to be utilized to cool,
check, and slow the fire's spread. Together, they are providing coordinated air
attack support for firefighters' fire line construction efforts on the ground. The cause of the fire, says Kaunert,
is under investigation.