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Thursday, 23 August 2007 00:33

Ione City Council Meeting

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slide7The proposed budget which had been seen by the city council, two times prior to the meeting Tuesday was approved, as was the increase in Local Road Traffic Mitigation Fees. The prior fee was $827 per single family dwelling permit and the new fee, which was approved unanimously at the meeting, increased by $2247, for a total of $3065 per home. The next item of discussion was regarding Ione becoming involved in the Amador Regional Planning Committee.
The committee was formed as a Memorandum Of Understanding between the Cities of Jackson and Sutter Creek, with the county eventually signing on. Council member Lee Ard says even though funding currently isn’t required for membership on the committee I am “Opposed to giving any other money, to other jurisdictions, when money is needed in the city for valuable projects”. Council member Jeff Barnhart echoed Ard’s opinion, saying that “Ione needs to look out for Ione” right now. Vice Mayor Andrea Bonham seemed to disagree saying it would be much better to “be a member than to not and have the committee discussing Ione” and  “that the more people know what Ione wants the better chance the City has of getting it.” The motion to authorize the Mayor to sign the Memorandum of Understanding to participate in the Amador Regional Planning Committee was approved 3-2 with Bonham, Ulm, and Sherman approving, and Ard and Barnhart opposing. Ione is also currently in the initial  phases of the General Plan update process and has scheduled a joint meeting between the City Council and the Planning Commission for September 18th at 4:30 in the afternoon.
Read 1497 times Last modified on Friday, 28 August 2009 02:07